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35mm Camera

35mm Camera

THEORY:  When taking a picture of an area, you may capture a spirit/ghost on a photograph. The flash and the optics of the camera are able to amplify an object that you cannot see with the naked eye.  For example: You can take a picture in a room and you cannot see the dust particles in the air, but when you look at the photograph you can see transparent circles, which is the dust caught on film.


HOW TO USE:  The first thing you want to do is load the camera with 400-speed film.  We feel that this is the best speed film to use indoors and outdoors, as well as day and night.  While in the field take random pictures of an area, making sure you point the camera away from you.  You don’t want to capture your breath in the picture, because it may look like a mist.  Besides taking pictures of just random areas you also want to take pictures when asking EVP questions, or if there is any activity on any of the equipment. 

RANGE:  The range of the 35mm camera varies depending on what type of camera you are using. 


READINGS:  When analyzing the photographs you are looking for any type of anomalies in the photos that cannot be explained.  Most of the time you will get orbs in your photos.  When you get an orb in your photographs, keep in mind that water vapor or dust particles in the air will appear as orbs.  Some of the things you are looking for when analyzing photographs are: orbs, mists, streaks, apparitions, etc. 

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