Air Ion Counter
THEORY: When a ghost/spirit is manifesting it may interrupt the ion count in the air, causing an increase or decrease in the ion count.
Positive Ions: The counter could read positive ions if there is synthetic clothing around, weather patterns such as wind blowing, a thunderstorm, a full moon etc. Also uranium thorium produces very high positive ion readings. Positive Ions have a negative effect on humans and animals. Some of the side effects caused by a high positive ion count are as follows: violent behavior, road rage, depression, dizziness, chills, tremors, sleeplessness, fatigue, irritability, nausea, lethargy, respiratory symptoms, headaches/migraines, increase in heart attacks, high blood pressure, increase in optical disturbances, anxiety, body aches/pains etc. Studies have been conducted for many years showing a clear correlation between the presence of a full moon and an increase in car accidents, crime, suicide etc. The police and hospitals know it’s going to be a busy night when there is a full moon out. When doing private investigations, it is important to listen to the client’s claims. If they have any of the feelings/problems listed above, we should pay close attention to it.
Negative Ions: The counter could read negative ions if there are certain weather patterns such as: after a storm, wind blowing, ion generator/ionic breeze. It is known that there is a high negative ion count on beaches/lakes/rivers/oceans etc. Negative ions are beneficial to humans and animals. It has been proven that a negative ion generator is a better source of an antidepressant than antidepressant drugs according to the Good Drug Guide. A high count of negative ions will decrease fatigue, reduce migraines/headaches, strengthen the function of autonomic nerves, strengthen the bodies immune system, improves metabolism, improves asthma and other respiratory conditions, lowers blood pressure etc. The USDA states that ionizing a room leads to 95% less bacteria in the air, 52% less dust, and negative ions also reduce air borne salmonella particles. Negative ions have no negative side effects but are completely beneficial leaving you with feelings of well-being and good health. Negative ions have a positive effect on humans and animals.
Before turning on the meter, there should be “no polarity” selected and the upper right switch should be set to “standby.”
Turn the knob to 19.99 and let the meter warm up for 50 seconds.
Zero out the meter by flipping the upper right switch to re-zero for 5 seconds. Release the switch and it will automatically go back to “standby.” (Now the meter is ready for use)
At this point the switch on the upper left should be in the middle of the + and – for polarity. The upper right switch should be set to standby. The knob should be set to 19.99.
Take a base reading on site just to give you an example of what the ions are reading that day.
Before use, you need to check out weather patterns that day.
Before use, you must know the general environment of the investigation site.
To take accurate readings hold the meter vertically away from you without moving for 10 seconds. Wind may throw off your readings.
Report any abnormal readings right away to make a determination on what the reading is and try to trace it to its source.
The ion counter takes in air from 0 to 1 foot, but this depends on the strength of the source. If there is a strong source, the range will be further away.
Airflow into the counter is 800cm3/sec. Linear speed is 40cm/sec.
Dynamic range is 10 ions/cm³ (corresponds to 10 micro volts at detector plate) to 1,999,000 ions/cm³.
Be aware of the weather patters that day.
Check the environment on location because things may throw off readings.
Unit of measure is ions/cm³.
If there is an increase/decrease of positive or negative ions of 20 or more then there may be paranormal activity.
When giving readings you need to multiply your reading by 1000. For example: If your reading is –0.28 it is 280 negative ions/cm³.