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Temperature Data Logger

Temperature Data Logger

FACT: The Temp Data Logger detects ambient air temperatures in Fahrenheit or Celsius. 

THEORY: In theory when a spirit/ghost starts to manifest, it will draw in heat energy around the area, causing either a cold spot or a hot spot. A cold spot would form because the heat energy is being sucked out of the air causing the air around the entity to be cold. A hot spot would form because the heat energy is being sucked out of the air and confined to a specific area causing a hot spot.


  • Plug the USB Data Logger in and open Elitech Software

  • Click Parameter icon to set up investigation parameters located on the top left of the screen

  • Under Trip Description (Type in the Location and Date)

  • Set the Logging Interval to 10 seconds

  • Select the Temperature Unit to Fahrenheit

  • Set the Alarm Threshold: The High Limit will be 10 degrees higher than the base temperature and the Low Limit will be 10 degrees lower than the base temperature.

  • Unplug the data logger from the USB port. Once the screen goes blank then close the Elitech Program. Then go to the location were the date logger will be placed during the investigation. Then hold the play button (►) for 5 seconds to begin recording. The device will then show a (►) symbol to alert you the device is now recording.

  • When the investigation is complete, plug the data logger into the USB port of a computer and open the Elitech Program. Note: It will automatically start downloading the data. On the top right of the screen click the Stop Logging icon.


  • Click the Graph icon on the top of the screen.

  • Click the Export Data icon on the bottom of the screen.

  • Once the Export Screen opens click the PDF icon.

  • Save File: Click desktop on the right, and then write in the file name: Location and Date

  • Click save: A message will pop up saying PDF is exporting. Click ok

  • Click the X on the top right corner of the export box.

  • Click the Exit button, a message will appear and ask do you want to log out: click ok.

  • Remove the Data Logger from the USB port.

RANGE: This thermometer will take readings within a 1-foot radius around the thermometer.

READINGS: A normal reading is usually a 5-degree difference from your base reading. A paranormal reading is usually a minimum of 10 degrees increase/decrease from your base reading. If you get a drop in temperature, the drop is called a cold spot. You may also get an increase in temperature, which would then be called a hot spot. Hot spots are rare, but they do occur.

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