Gateway Playhouse
A Brief History: Located at 215 S. Country Road Bellport New York, the property was built in 1827 for Charles Osborn and purchased in 1884 by J.L.B. Mott and was converted in to a resort by Harry C. Pomeran and his wife Libby, for Christian scientists. Their three children worked there on the farm taking care of daisy the cow and two chickens. The children entertained the guests by performing singing skits, putting on puppet shows and playing piano. Harry decided to make a small investment echoing the footsteps of Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney. The family cow (daisy) was moved from the barn and that’s where the gateway playhouse began. It was the oldest of three theatres on the island and recognized as one of the top ten summer theatres in the nation. Gateway Playhouse is still open today, putting on theatrical shows for the community. You can visit their website for show time and show listings at
Haunted History: Through the many years of Gateway Playhouses history, there are many hauntings that take place here as well. In the late 1800s there was a murder at the location and supposedly you can hear sounds of moaning. While in the old theater there have been shadows and smoky forms seen by the employees as well as guests. One of the employees claim to have seen a man with a top hat in the sound booth just appear and then disappear. In the Mott house, guests have complained of hearing sounds of a wheelchair moving late in the night, when no one in the house uses a wheelchair. There have also been claims of moving items such as; bells, mirrors and even typewriter keys being typed on when no one is there. Guest and employees have also claims to have had other experiences throughout the location such as; disembodied voices heard, pressure changes, cold spots felt, random tapping/knocking, lights turning on and off, and feelings of being watched. So next time you go and see a show at the Gateway Playhouse you may encounter something a little more than what you paid for.