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Kings Park Psychiatric Center Building 41-42-43 (The Quad)

Kings Park Psychiatric Center Building 41-42-43 (The Quad)

A Brief History: Located on Old Dock Road in Kings Park New York is Building 41-42-43 (The Quad) of the Kings Park Psychiatric Center. The grounds where Building 41-42-43 now sits on used to be called Group IV and was used as a Tuberculosis (TB) ward. The old Group IV TB ward was demolished sometime before 1931, and construction of the new building began in 1932 and was completed in 1934.  Building 41-42-43 was named the new Group IV as well as The Quad.  Building 41-42-43 got its name the quad due to the fact when you look at the building from an aerial view it is in 4 identical sections. The building is broken down in 3 different sections.  Building 41 and 43, which are the outer sections, which are the male and female patient wards.  Building 42 sits in the middle of 41 and 43 are the kitchen and dining halls.  When the building first opened up it housed geriatric patients, but do to over crowding in the facility the Quad also housed patients with epilepsy, mentally ill disabled, and various patients with psychosis.  Some of the patients here would mumble to themselves, shout and yell, sing songs, and talk randomly to no one.  The Quad offered different types of therapy such as day therapy rooms, treatment rooms, seclusion rooms, as well as hydrotherapy, and prior to 1966 lobotomies were performed here.

   The Quad consists of 4 floors plus a basement as well as a sublevel tunnel system that goes from one end of the building to the other and underneath Old Dock Road to the Power Plant, which connects to the main tunnel underneath Building 93. 

In 1996 Kings Park Psychiatric Center finally closed it’s doors due to state budget cuts, pending lawsuits, and the rise in home care for patients.  Many patients were let go in the street with their belongings left behind.  Many patients came back to the facility after it closed down because they had nowhere else to go.  Now The Quad sits abandoned in bad shape.  The roof has been caving in causing water from rain and snow to leek into the building causing massive water damage. Around 2009 and 2010 scrappers came in illegally and cut out many of the copper pipes in the building and caused a lot of destruction.  Vandals also had there fair share of destruction in the building as well breaking windows, punching holes in the walls, and graffiti all over the building as well. 


Haunted History: Many people have claimed to have many experiences in this building.  We have heard the sounds of church bells ringing in the middle of the night while in this building. While on the first floor there could be banding sounds and a lot of movement heard coming from the 2nd floor when no one else is in the building.  While coming up the 2nd floor staircase from the back of the building there have been claims of seeing a person walking around at night in one of the rooms and when we checked to see if anyone was there, there was no one to be found.  One of the biggest claims of unusual activity from this building is the sounds of loud banging.  Doors tend to slam shut by themselves and you may even come across a door creaking open by itself.  Another interesting experience that we have had while investigating on the 2nd floor was that we had unusual readings on our EMF (electro magnetic field) meters and our radio frequency meter.

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