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Sag Harbor Whaling Museum

Sag Harbor Whaling Museum

A Brief History: Sag Harbor Whaling Museum is located at 200 Main Street in Sag Harbor New York. Benjamin Huntting II was the wealthy owner of whaling ships, making his fortune from whale oil. In 1845 he had a home built by architect Minard LaFever, where he lived with his family until his death in 1867. The home was then bought and lived in by philanthropist Margaret Olivia Sage until 1918 when she passed away. At that point it was purchased in 1920 by a Masonic Lodge, allowing artifacts to be exhibited by the historical society. Gaining popularity with the state’s largest collection of whaling equipment, the building was officially deemed a museum in 1945. While visiting the Hamptons in 1998, President Bill Clinton was given information on the museum. He then brought it to the attention of the First Lady, Hillary Clinton, and from there the building was a project of the “Save America’s Treasures” program, listed on the national register of historic places and certified a national treasure. The building is currently still in use as a whaling museum and a Masonic Temple on the 2nd floor.

Haunted History: People have claimed to have heard footsteps coming from the 2ndfloor and the stairwell when there is no one there. Staff has also claimed that objects will move around over night when the museum is closed. Visitors also claimed to have felt an uneasy feeling in the hallway on the 1st floor.

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