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Nassau County

Please note this list is provided only as a reference. Access to a particular location may require special permission and/or fees. In all cases please respect private property rights and the sanctity of hallowed ground.


(Note to media/reporters/writers: You are welcome to use this page as a reference for your work. However, please be sure to indicate in your work Long Island Paranormal Investigators as the source. Thank you!)


(click on a location below to see the haunted locations in those areas)
(sites with (*) are coming soon)

Adventure Land

Coe Hall*

Maine Maid Inn

Octagon Hotel

Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Dr. Searing House

Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Layton General Store

Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Underhill Barn

Oyster Bay Post Office*

Theodore Roosevelt’s House

Castle Gould - Sands Point Preserve

Ebenezer Seely House

Moore Building

Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Benjamin House

Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Hewlett House

Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Luyster Store

Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Williams House

Oyster Bay Railroad Station*

Wilson House


Glen Cove Mansion*

Nassau County Sanatorium*

Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Conklin House

Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Kirby House

Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Noon Inn

Old Orchard Home

Raynham Hall

Winfield Hall*

Chelsea Mansion

King Zog Estate

Nassau Hall*

Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Cooper House

Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Lawrence House

Old Bethpage Village Restoration - Powell House

Oyster Bay High School

Snouder’s Corner Drug Store

Youngs Memorial Cemetery*

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